

Discover Psychosynthesis

My coaching approach is grounded in a methodology called psychosythesis,  an integrative process developed by Italian Psychiatrist Roberto Assagioli, who was interested in psychoanalysis yet felt it neglected some very important aspects of the human experience; therefore, he advocated for a more holistic perspective of humanity.

Inspired by Yoga philosophy, Theology, and the work of Carl Jung, Psychosynthesis was created as a therapeutic process that combines the Eastern wisdom about the Self with the Western knowledge of the unconscious.

It focuses on the individual’s spiritual experience while integrating the various aspects of the personality to reach harmony and wholeness, which can be seen as the process of self-actualizing.

Psychosynthesis coaching is a transpersonal approach because it focuses on the higher unconscious, on connecting us to our potential, our highest Self or Soul that is beyond the personalities – the Transpersonal Self. While at the same time integrating our emotional, cognitive, and physical reality. 


This method of personal development allows us to achieve greater presence, authentic expression, vitality, and enthusiasm, which helps us increase life, insight, and perspective.

In short, psychosynthesis is the science of understanding who we are without context, conditions, or circumstances while supporting us in living all life more fully.

 To complement this methodology , I created the RISE(Re-ignite, Integrate, Synthesize, Emerge) Framework, which focuses on self-awareness, cultivating empathy, presence and deep consciousness.  My deepest passion is to support resilient leaders who find themselves engulfed in the struggle to maintain their essence amidst competing demands